

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Young Love

From the time we're born we hear teenage relationships referred to as "young love" to which the teenagers experiencing that young love usually take offense to because they believe that they have true love for their significant other. I agreed with the rest of them until now. 

A guy could simply tap a girls shoulder and she almost automatically assesses her attraction to whoever that guy may be and decides if she will act on it. There could have been no previous attraction and now suddenly there's lots. There's a lot of power behind touch. We fickle teenagers are very vulnerable to touch, it can change our mood, our relationship status, our outlook on life. Touch had a laaaaarge influence on us and I'm not just saying that. I speak with experience.

We go from person to person claiming that we have an eternal love for them and believing that nothing could ever separate us, then something happens, we separate and feel the same way about another person. Now that phrase, that state of mind loses it's meaning, it's intensity. 

It never ceases to amaze me what breaks my own relationships off as well as the relationships of my friends and aquaintences. You go from being so "madly in love" with someone to never speaking to them because they tell you something they are struggling with that they are coming to you for support through and it causes you to lose attraction. Or they say something that makes you angry and you decide it's not going to work out. 

These things are all such dumb reasons to end a relationship and I've fallen captive to them and I hate it but you know why? It's because it is young love. If you really loved a person those things wouldn't bother you quite so much. You would love them just the same and you would be there through thick and thin because you love 
that person. 

If you can change your mind that easily about someone you "love", do you really love them?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Take the lead. Change the world.

I wish so badly that I could be able to get rid of problems for other people and fix whatever they are struggling with. I wish I could take back time so accidents wouldn't happen, things wouldn't get broken and people would be accepted. Recently it was national spread the word to end the word day to promote unity and the end of the derogatory use of the r-word and replace that word and the emotions associated with it, with respect. I want everyone to feel like everyone is on the same page and there is no reason to feel superior to anyone else or not accept them because of what they look like of how they act. I have a very close friend who is experiencing this discrimination right now and it is so hard for me to stand by and not be able to do anything seeing as he lives over half an hour away from me. We don't go to the same school, same ward for church, same anything. We do see each other on occasion at a dance or other church event we mainly communicate via text. So I'm not there everyday to help him make friends or make others see how awesome of a person he is. Just because he handles some situations differently than others, or acts "different" than what is defined as "normal",people automatically make a judgment and say oh I can't be friends with him. It'll be awkward. But in actuality he is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. If people could just take a step back and try to out themselves in the other persons shoes and notice oh they're by themselves I should go say hi. And simple hello can do wonders, it can brighten someone's whole day no matter how cruddy it's been. All I'm asking is for people to simply live unified. We are all facing challenges and if you can help be a relief to someone else and lift their burden please please please I'm begging you. DO IT. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't, and you know you would love someone to help you out when you're going through something hard. Please just help make the world a better place. Your example to your friends, coworkers, family,  to anyone you meet can inspire them to be better people and slowly as the snowball keeps on rolling the world becomes a more accepting place. Help my dream come true so that people like my dear, dear friend do not have to face these unecessary challenges because they "don't fit in like everyone else". Anyone can fit it and everyone deserves the chance to have friends and be loved.
Now go out in to the world and do your part to better the world and promote equality and acceptance! :) there's nothing holding you back but yourself, and you being yourself, are more than capable of breaking down that barrier and changing the world one "hello" at a time.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

People in the hallways nowadays

     It's funny, you're walking down the hallway and someone grabs your attention. Not because you saw them, or made super awkward eye contact which then turned into a wave and half smile as if to say "hey I totally meant to say hi and I'm not doing this just because we made eye contact" which we all know is a lie. But this person, they stare at you until you notice and wave or smile, or they do something like go in for a high five to make sure they get your attention. 
     Who knows what their motivation is. Do they just want to say hi? Thought you looked sad or lonely? Maybe they like you an that's as much in person interaction as they can handle since it's not talking. No one really knows, but regardless there's nothing about it that can make you angry. 
     It's sure to brighten your day to have someone say a simple hi and make you not look like such a loser as you're walking to class alone because you have no friends that have classes in that side of the building to walk with. So more power to you random attention seekers in the hallways!