

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

People in the hallways nowadays

     It's funny, you're walking down the hallway and someone grabs your attention. Not because you saw them, or made super awkward eye contact which then turned into a wave and half smile as if to say "hey I totally meant to say hi and I'm not doing this just because we made eye contact" which we all know is a lie. But this person, they stare at you until you notice and wave or smile, or they do something like go in for a high five to make sure they get your attention. 
     Who knows what their motivation is. Do they just want to say hi? Thought you looked sad or lonely? Maybe they like you an that's as much in person interaction as they can handle since it's not talking. No one really knows, but regardless there's nothing about it that can make you angry. 
     It's sure to brighten your day to have someone say a simple hi and make you not look like such a loser as you're walking to class alone because you have no friends that have classes in that side of the building to walk with. So more power to you random attention seekers in the hallways!